Due Diligence

Providing greater security for parties involved in business combination processes (business acquisitions, mergers, divisions, etc.) is the purpose of a well-conducted due diligence. Analyzing the feasibility of the business as well as the price adjustment are some of its goals.

Business opportunities taken with proper risk assesment

Items that may affect the purchase price in business combination transactions included in our scope of financial due diligence:

Accounting adjustments and risks not recognized in the accounting;.

EBITDA - multiples to determine the value of the company;.

Net Debt - liabilities that could be considered as debt if assumed by the buyer.

Working Capital - level of working capital to be delivered at closing;.

Some items covered in our due diligence work:

Accounting Practices

Future Commitments

Non Recurring Transactions

Review of Working Capital

Recognition of Revenue from Sales, Services, Projects, Constructions, etc.

Reconciliation of EBITDA

Correction of an Error or Accrual Problems

Accounting Practices

Consolidated Debt in the Financial System

Risks accounted for and not accounted for

Non-Cash Transactions

Contingent Liabilities (tax, labor, environmental, etc.)

Labor and Social Security Obligations

Proforma Adjustments

Accounting Practices

Future Commitments

Non Recurring Transactions

Review of Working Capital

Recognition of Revenue from Sales, Services, Projects, Constructions, etc.

Reconciliation of EBITDA

Correction of an Error or Accrual Problems

Accounting Practices

Consolidated Debt in the Financial System

Risks accounted for and not accounted for

Non-Cash Transactions

Contingent Liabilities (tax, labor, environmental, etc.)

Labor and Social Security Obligations

Proforma Adjustments

Accounting Practices

Future Commitments

Non Recurring Transactions

Review of Working Capital

Recognition of Revenue from Sales, Services, Projects, Constructions, etc.

Reconciliation of EBITDA

Correction of an Error or Accrual Problems

Accounting Practices

Consolidated Debt in the Financial System

Risks accounted for and not accounted for

Non-Cash Transactions

Contingent Liabilities (tax, labor, environmental, etc.)

Labor and Social Security Obligations

Proforma Adjustments

Accounting Practices

Future Commitments

Non Recurring Transactions

Review of Working Capital

Recognition of Revenue from Sales, Services, Projects, Constructions, etc.

Reconciliation of EBITDA

Correction of an Error or Accrual Problems

Accounting Practices

Consolidated Debt in the Financial System

Risks accounted for and not accounted for

Non-Cash Transactions

Contingent Liabilities (tax, labor, environmental, etc.)

Labor and Social Security Obligations

Proforma Adjustments

Accounting Practices

Future Commitments

Non Recurring Transactions

Review of Working Capital

Recognition of Revenue from Sales, Services, Projects, Constructions, etc.

Reconciliation of EBITDA

Correction of an Error or Accrual Problems

Accounting Practices

Consolidated Debt in the Financial System

Risks accounted for and not accounted for

Non-Cash Transactions

Contingent Liabilities (tax, labor, environmental, etc.)

Labor and Social Security Obligations

Proforma Adjustments


We have extensive experience in due diligence in companies carried out for investors from Brazil and abroad.

Contact Us

Find a Martinelli near you.

R. Dona Francisca, 1113 - 10º e 11º andar
Saguaçu - Joinville - SC
CEP 89.221-006
Phone: +55 (47) 2101.1900

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